Thursday 11 August 2016

Backpack in Semporna, Sabah: Part 2

Day 2: Semporna-Tetagan+Bohey Dulang+Mantabuan+Sibuan

Early in the morning, Hatta pick us up to had a breakfast at his restaurant, Restoran Mohd Hatta. We ordered nasi kuning (yellow rice with sambal and ‘ikan tongkol’ wrapped in banana leaf) and teh nain (tea added with milk).
**Note: In Sabah, ‘nain’ refer to susu (milk) whereas ‘beng’ refer to ais. In case you want to order ‘teh ais’ just simply say ‘the nain beng’
Nasi Kuning, a must try!

There are about 44 islands in Semporna. To reduce cost on boat fuels, the trip should be planned carefully. For example, On Day 1, the islands are located near to each other (Tun Sakaran Marine park). As on Day 2, we had to choose either going to Kapalai and Mabul or Mataking and Pom Pom. It is possible going to Mataking from Kapalai/Mabul but it will give higher fuel cost due to longer journey.
Semporna to Bohey Dulang: 1hr
Semporna to Mabul/Kapalai: 45min
Semporna to Mataking: 1hr30min
Mabul/Kapalai to Mataking: 3-4hrs

Maps of islands in Semporna
Photo credited to Borneospeedydive

**Tetagan Island**

Tetagan Island is a village of ‘bajau laut’ people. They build houses on sea, they support living by fishing and they can’t live on land (it is a fact). From a story I heard, once, Malaysian Ministry gives help to these ‘bajau laut’ people. Each family is provided with low-cost house on land. However, they had difficulty in adapting to new environment and found out they don’t suit on land. Thus, they head back to their normal live, living in the sea, building houses on the sea, fishing, playing with sea water and yes, they are happy living like that. FYI, they have cooking gas in their house (Hey, don’t judge a book by its cover!). They don’t speak Malay. Some words that we learned (malai: I want; malai nih: I don’t want/No; Pahalu:tomorrow).
**Note: Visit to Tetagan was just for sightseeing. Bring and give snacks to the ‘bajau laut’ kids. They expect some foods from tourists. Be careful! As things might get chaotic by the time you give them the snacks.

'Bajau Laut' houses

A woman trying to get some snacks for her son
By the time when everything went chaotic

**Bohey Dulang**

Do you love to hike? Then, this is the place for you. Offering a spectacular sea view from peak of Bohey Dulang, a 30-mins hiking is worth the pay. The view from Bohey Dulang peak is breath-taking, no words to describe, just enjoy the pictures!

View from the peak of Bohey Dulang

View from Bohey Dulang Jetty to the main entrance (You can see clear water of Bohey Dulang)
We got super-excited looking at the clear water
While descending Bohey Dulang. This is the so-called 'Stairway to Heaven' stairs.
Upon reaching this stairs, you are not far away from the peak.
You can clearly see the sea urchins
The greenish-blue clear sea water of Bohey Dulang filled with small fishes

**Mantabuan Island**

Mantabuan is famous for its coral. However, during our visit, it is low tide, thus we didn’t enjoy much. Of course, we did see some corals; we try on our snorkelling gear and make ourselves comfortable in water as preparation for our legendary snorkelling time in Sibuan. Not much to see here except for various colour of starfish (unfortunately, I didn’t manage to snap the pictures as I left my phone on boat).
My parents with shanli, 11-years old boy who is part of our tour guide team

**Sibuan Island**

If you had went to Perhentian Island in Terengganu and you like it, most probably you’d love Sibuan Island too. Filled with various type of fishes and corals, if you are lucky enough, you might see puffy fish (I manage to find one!) I did my very first skin dive, ouh and I LOVEEEE it SO MUCHHH! Thank you to our tour guide, Billy. There were Nemo, sea urchins and other types of fish (blue, white, green, yellow in colour. Sorry, I don’t know the names). Sadly, our so-called Go-Pro Cam is low on battery, so there were not much pictures to shown (You don’t expect me to bring my hand phone underwater, did you?)

'Welcome to Sibuan Island' signage
Look carefully, you will see a boy climbing the coconut tree
As we reached Sibuan Island

Coral reef at Sibuan Island. Photo credited to Abby

Me during snorkelling. Thank God, Mei (our tour guide) got a Go-Pro Cam.

Last but not least, thank you for today's team. We had fun, we enjoy ourselves and most important, we faced our fears towards water (especially me!)
Our boat men, Tim and our assistant tour guide, Mei together with my friend, Sheera
Billy, my snorkelling instructors (white shirt).
He taught me how to skin dive, despite my fear in water (I cant swim)


We went to nearby fish market looking for freshly caught seafood as Hatta had promised to cook dinner for us at his restaurant. We bought crabs, cockles, 'Kamun' aka 'udang lipan' at low prices. For a seafood lover like me, this is what we called as HEAVEN! Where else can you get fresh seafood at low price? However, you have to be intelligent enough bargain for a lower prices. An advice, go to the market with locals there as they would know whether the seller is being honest or not.

Lobster, MYR95. However, we were told by Hatta we can get at lower price that that.

Various type of fish; ikan pari, sotong, ikan buntal, octopus

Seaweed sold at MYR1/plate

Kamun sold at MYR30

Tehek-tehek. Usually cooked by removing the thorns, filled it with rice and steam

Hatta (in spec) bargaining for lower price

Something that was called as 'Mat nemo' by locals

'Ketam masal cili api'. These crabs were bought at MYR35

Dinner set: Rice, Buttered fried kamun, sambal ketam, kerang berkaki rebus, sambal terung.
The delicious dinner cost us MYR27 (harga makanan laut+servis masak+air minuman)

Buttered fried kamun



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